Thursday, July 9, 2009

Literary Travels

two German students traveling...we definitely made a lot of literary stops. Below, a sampling:

Husum is famous for being the "Theodor Storm city", the author's birthplace and the setting of many of his works. His last novella, Der Schimmelreiter, takes place on the coast of the north sea, with the threatening water and the art of building dikes playing a central role.

The house where Theodor Storm lived in Husum:

The desk where he wrote Der Schimmelreiter:Lübeck is the birthplace of Nobel Prize winners Günter Grass and Thomas Mann. Thomas Mann grew up here as a boy and the city is the setting for his most successful novel, Buddenbrooks. It is the story of a German bourgeois family and its downfall. This house below is called the "Buddenbrooks-Haus" and is the setting of the novel. Today a museum of the Mann family. Although Thomas Mann is the most famous, his brother Heinrich also was a successful author and many of the Mann children. During the war they both lived in California and Thomas Mann delivered regular radio addresses on BBC radio in German to the German people, telling them to stop supporting Hitler's war.

Although Günter Grass is most well known for his writings, he is also a graphic artist and sculptor. The musuem dedicated to him has many sculptures, drawings, prints as well as information about his poetry and novels and novellas. Below is a sculpture of a flounder, a motif that comes up regularly in his works.

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