Saturday, May 29, 2010

wieder in Berlin! [back in Berlin!]

So, back in Berlin for two months. Two Germanists: reading, jogging, biking, cooking, eating, trying to make themselves work a bit instead of wandering the city day and night. :)

This time we're living in Treptow, south east side of the city, near Neukölln and Kreuzberg, known for cheaper apartments and hence young families, students and immigrants. Above is one of the canals which run through this part of the city. It's gorgeous all along here--joggers, people out with small children, bikers, cafés along the canal, green spaces with people out in the sun, lots of playgrounds.
Below: our street, Heidelberger Strasse
below: the sign marking the beginning of Alt-Treptow, west is the neighborhood of Neukölln, and the wall used to divide the two.
Outside our door is the double-brick line which represents where the Berlin Wall used to stand. The apartment building is in the former west, and used to face the "death strip" between the two walls, on the other side East Berlin. The area has lots of little cafés and restaurants.

below: German Frühstück
typisch: fresh rolls [Brötchen] from the bakery down the street, different kinds of cheese, Wurst, herbed cheese spreads, fruit, an egg and coffee

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