
Monday, April 2, 2012

Spare rips, Barfers, and Michael Jackson (random funny stuff)

First, two shop owners who probably should have consulted English-speaking friends before naming their stores:
Above is a pet food store near us, the photo below is a kiosk in the Wedding neighborhood.
And from an Asian restaurant in Friedrichshain, hot beverages "against cold" (in German, gegen Erkältung means to fight a cold, in the sense of medicine you would take for a cold). Also, many Germans are particularly sensitive to garlic, which according to the menu's legend, is a a form of spicy. :) Note how dish #14 warns you that it includes garlic!
 And last we have a copy shop with a T-Shirt hanging in the window, "I love Michael Jackson"
Just some of the random amusement you get here every day walking around the streets, whether funny English translations, funny names of stores, or just weirdisms of living in a big city. :)

We also have a new rule not to buy any products that have an American flag on them as a marketing technique (that usually is things like soft bread, hot dogs, peanut butter, marshmallows, etc). This place below is also pretty crazy looking. They deliver "American food".  Sketch.

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