
Saturday, March 24, 2012

life on repeat

Wow, how is it the weekend again already? It's been a crazy week: library, half marathon training, theater, library, cooking, archive... I am planning several trips right now (I could make a living doing this, by the way, if grad school doesn't pan out...), and said to Michael, "I am so ready for a vacation." He laughed... and I didn't get it. "Our life is like a vacation," he said. Okay, kinda true. This year we have very few responsibilities, and we're cut off from the real world a bit.  But we are really busy! I feel quite exhausted just with my weekly schedule. And as much as I love Berlin, I am getting excited for our Rhine trip in two weeks, and summer trip to the Baltic and North sea coasts. Get out of the metropolis and breathe.

The amazing weather is making me itch to travel I guess. Today we have all the windows open letting in the spring air, and there is not a cloud in the sky. It's 19 C, which is warm. :) But I know it's great in the US right now, too. I just hope it holds for the Rhine trip in two weeks! I actually hope it rains soon, so it's out of the system!

I know that almost every weekend I post about our market...but I can't help it! We have one of the best weekly markets right around the corner. I can't get over it, and I look forward to it every week. :) I ran out and got croissants for breakfast, and then we had a leisurely morning reading and catching up on emails, and I was playing travel agent, and when I went back around noon for produce some of the stands were sold out of stuff (the good Anyways, I got broccoli, leeks, some eggs and yogurt, a squash, chard, baby spinach. The sun was shining hot, there was live music, and happy little children. I am going to take off for a run at Tempelhof, and then invited to a jam-making party tonight. Michael's playing basketball outside, a repeat of last Saturday, which was also so sunny and warm. It's a good life!

1 comment:

  1. C'est la vie!!!!!! bestimmt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
