
Friday, March 9, 2012

an die Arbeit!

I'm stepping up my work schedule a little bit...sorry for the irregular posting. When March hit, it was a bit of a wake-up call that summer is just around the corner, and we have lots of visitors coming in the next few months. So I'm trying to schedule archive visits, and library time to make the most of my sojourn in Berlin. And training for the Berlin half marathon (3 weeks!), plus life on top of it all. :)

1 comment:

  1. "make the most of my sojourn in Berlin"!!!?????? unbelievable that you would EVEN make such a statement - and NOW "tucking in a half marathon" for fillers!!!! I am TOTALLY captured by the State Hockey Tournament - sooooooo sad Duluth East was knocked out - BUT so far Hermantown prevails - and TONIGHT is the night - I don't know if I can watch - they JUST have to WIN!!!
