
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Berlinale! (Berlin International Film Festival)

So today on my way to the library I got tickets for a few Berlinale films. Tickets are on sale at Potsdamer Platz, right near the Staatsbibliothek.  My "strategy" (or lack thereof) was to pick films whose titles sounded intriguing from the screen above the ticket line with the "green" (= tickets available) box next to them. Yes, rather random. So...I am going to see one film as part of the "kulinarisches Kino" [culinary cinema], called The Raw and the Cooked about the green movement in Taiwan, a film caled hiver nomade about nomadic shepherds in French-speaking Switzerland, and a film about three couples in couples therapy, Beziehungsweisen. Ha! It's like playing Russian roulette with film. :) But hey, this way I'm seeing things I might not have otherwise chosen!  (Besides the first one, which I chose knowing it was part of the "culinary cinema" series, and which will be great, for sure.)

There are different categories of films, including the "competition," for the main prize: the Golden Bear. The ones I have tickets to are all "outside of competition", in the "forum" category.
the (pretty short) line today for tickets


  1. You're averaging one post per day since you said you wouldn't be posting as often.

  2. haha, funny! Thanks for the observation. Well, I can say that I have been working more though, too. The blog is a fun distraction at the end of the day. Hey! Are you planning your trip?!

  3. Yup! I'm making Anna and I contribute $100 per week to the "Germany fund".

  4. Crap! I'm guilty of my pet peeve! It should be "Anna and me"

  5. wow that is awesome. Keep up the savings. I can't wait to have you guys here!
