
Monday, July 12, 2010

beating the heat

This morning I went to the Badeschiff, a swimming pool in the Spree. I was anticipating the worst, as I had heard it's the place to "see and be seen," lots of tourists and people who wear expensive sunglasses and look pretty. But I guess going at 9:00 a.m. beats out those people. :) It was really nice when I went. Already in the 80s at the time in the morning, too. Berlin is HOT.

I got a nice little chair and a spot on the deck, got some rays before the sun got too hot and dipped in the pool to cool off. Read the paper...saw this disaster with the Deutsche Bahn, the German trains, where the air conditioning failed and it got into the 120s, lots of people had to receive medical attention. (My mom told me she heard about it, too). It was 98 uncomfortably hot, and Berlin is getting the high temps of Germany.

Right now seeking refuge in a shopping mall (I know, I know!!!) with air conditioning, which also has free internet and an Eiscafé, an Italian café with good ice cream and coffee...the perfect mix!

below: the line outside the Badeschiff when I left around 11:30

1 comment:

  1. Ich habe auch uber das Eisenbahn Aufgabe gehort. Yetzt mit das Fussball spilen, war Ich fur Espagne weil mochte ich Raffe Nadal, der Tennis Spieler! Heute war das Golf spielen am Fernsehen aus St. Andrews - wunderbar!!!

    Wieder Ihre Tante Marguerite
