
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Dzien dobry! (POLAND!!!)

Square of Warsaw at night.

below: at the Russian Market in Warsaw

consists of lots of lard-cooked things
above: cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and meat, mushroom sauce
above: complimentary "Polish peasant bread with lard"
(Yes, that is a whole little vat of lard. just for us. mmmm...)
Perogi, yum.


So this restaurant lured us in with the promise of "a greeting gift", and then once inside I thought this was the best menu I had ever seen. Here are some highlights: (And I really shouldn't laugh at their English translations, as I can speak NO Polish (po polsku).

"Piglet in plums and garlic"
"...slaughting of pigs..."
"Fare for a woman" (thin veal petals)
"Winged Poland: that is chicken wings roasted in honey and sesame"

below: please note the poster for "Friends". If you know what the American logo looks like you will laugh at Polish for FRIENDS. Sooooo many consonants!!

below: Polish Zloty (We were rich.)

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