
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Frohes neues Jahr!

I went to Frankfurt to celebrate the new Year with my friend Katie and her friend Colin. We had a really nice dinner at Katie's and then walked into the city, which was CRAZY with people setting off fireworks, drinking champagne in the streets (man, I wish that could happen in the US!) and singing and cheering. Katie and I learned one verse of Auld Lang Syne and sang it on repeat, much to the joy of everyone around us. Seriously. We were loved.
And Frankfurt looked pretty nice with its big Tannenbaum.


  1. Hi Kath;
    Uncle George here, I was with K&K 1-3-08 in Duluth for the day, had lunch and quick conversation about the trip/visit with you. No surprise to me the rave reviews you got as a tour guide (remember Vieanna). They really enjoyed the trip.
    Be safe, enjoy and we will see this summer.
