
Monday, August 27, 2007

Angekommen in Deutschland!

So, maybe each post title should be a little German lesson. Guess what this one means. "Arrived in Germany!" Twenty hours since my parents dropped me off in Minneapolis, I am in my apartment in Saarbrücken, typing on my computer. Germany is no third-world country. Sorry, Elisabeth, but I think of you every time I enjoy a modern convenience/meal. But anyways...

For the next few months I will be living at Paul-Marien-Str. 24, Saarbrücken 66111, Germany. So write to me if you feel like it. And enjoy how much postage costs, because here's it's teuer.

Funny anecdotes from the trip: A travel group of probably 20 Germans was on my flight. They apparently all memorized the lyrics to "Wild Thing" and someone had that song as their ring tone. So twice they all broke out into song, including guitar motions, to "Wild Thing." Hi-larious.

I sat next to a really nice couple from Poland on the flight. We tried speaking English...which didn't really work, and then German...which didn't really work, and then the woman told me she spoke French better, so that was our language of communication.

Well, this is a boring post. So here are some pictures of my room and my view, with hopefully more to come of Saarbrücken! You'll notice my extra heavy large suitcase, and my bike box, which the airlines actually took pretty good care of (and which was easier to carry than the suitcase).

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